
Aperyのdebug無しビルドでbenchが通らない [コンピュータ将棋]


 Windows 8.1 64bit

 $ g++ --version
g++.exe (Rev4, Built by MSYS2 project) 5.2.0

Ubuntu ではg++ 5.2.1で問題なし


commit e923d2764e54795bab465ee7ce87b0de2529acf1
Author: HiraokaTakuya 
Date:   Tue Jan 12 23:14:54 2016 +0900



 -DNDEBUG => なし
 -Ofast => -O0 -g


make clean && make -j4



sfen l6nl/5+P1gk/2np1S3/p1p4Pp/3P2Sp1/1PPb2P1P/P5GS1/R8/LN4bKL w GR5pnsg 1
info string optimum_search_time = 9500
info string maximum_search_time = 9500
info string book_ply 32767
info depth 1 seldepth 1 score cp -648 nodes 211 nps 14066 time 15 multipv 1 pv  G*1g

info depth 2 seldepth 2 score cp -367 nodes 613 nps 9887 time 62 multipv 1 pv  G*1g R*3a

info depth 3 seldepth 3 score cp -526 nodes 1646 nps 8108 time 203 multipv 1 pv  G*1g 4c3d N*4e

info depth 4 seldepth 6 score cp -463 nodes 7985 nps 7670 time 1041 multipv 1 pv  3i5g+ G*3h G*1g 2i2h

info depth 5 seldepth 6 score cp 1121 nodes 11396 nps 8234 time 1384 multipv 1 pv  3i1g+ G*1c 1b1c R*3c 6f3c

info depth 6 seldepth 7 score cp 1673 nodes 13909 nps 8847 time 1572 multipv 1 pv  3i1g+ G*1c 1b1c R*3c 6f3c 9h3h

info depth 7 seldepth 8 score cp 2612 nodes 17241 nps 9304 time 1853 multipv 1 pv  3i1g+ G*1c 1b1c R*3c 6f3c 2i3h R*2h 3h4g 2h9h+

info depth 8 seldepth 9 score cp 2612 nodes 18498 nps 9207 time 2009 multipv 1 pv  3i1g+ G*1c 1b1c R*3c 6f3c 2i3h R*2h 3h4g 2h9h+

Error! failedStep = 1
prevKey = 2204564077694724662
currKey = 9196037520415893749
'  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
P1-KY *  *  *  *  *  * -KE-KY
P2 *  *  *  *  * +TO * -KI *
P3 *  * -KE-FU * +GI * +FU *
P4-FU * -FU *  *  *  *  * -FU
P5 *  *  * +FU *  * +GI-FU *
P6 * +FU+FU-KA *  * +FU * +FU
P7+FU *  *  *  *  * +KI+GI-UM
P8+HI *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
P9+KY+KE *  *  *  *  * +OU+KY

key = 9196037520415893749

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Assertion failed!

Program: apery.exe
File: position.cpp, Line 383

Expression: isOK()



Breakpoint 2, Position::isOK (this=0x3c02b6e0 )
    at position.cpp:1518
1518                            goto incorrect_position;
(gdb) info locals
kingCount = {0, 0}
prevKey = 16772494420517875973
debugAll = true
debugBitboards = true
debugKingCount = true
debugKingCapture = true
debugCheckerCount = true
debugKey = true
debugStateHand = true
debugPiece = true
debugMaterial = true
failedStep = 1
(gdb) frame 1
#1  0x00000000004089da in Position::doMove (
    this=0x3c02b6e0 , move=..., newSt=..., ci=...,
    moveIsCheck=false) at position.cpp:383
383             assert(isOK());
(gdb) info locals
boardKey = 14013623207675726940
handKey = 3405590672570798104
us = White
to = SQ64
ptCaptured = PTPromote
ptTo = Pawn
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 5, Position::isOK (this=0x3c02b6e0 )
    at position.cpp:1595
1595            std::cout << "Error! failedStep = " << failedStep << std::endl;
(gdb) c
Error! failedStep = 1
prevKey = 16772494420517875973
currKey = 17419213880246525044
'  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
P1-KY *  *  *  *  *  * -KE-KY
P2 *  *  *  *  * +TO * -KI *
P3 *  * -KE *  * +GI *  * -OU
P4-FU * -FU-FU *  *  * +FU-FU
P5 *  *  * +FU *  * +GI-FU *
P6 * +FU+FU-UM *  * +FU * +FU
P7+FU *  * -KI *  * +KI+GI-UM
P8+HI *  *  *  *  *  * -KI *
P9+KY+KE *  *  *  *  *  * +KY

key = 17419213880246525044


上記のやつのCapture = PromoteはEnum定義のせいだった
King と Promote数がともに数字上は8なので、先に定義されているPromoteが表示されていた


(gdb) frame 1
#1  0x00000000004089d4 in Position::doMove (
    this=0x3c02b6e0 , move=..., newSt=..., ci=...,
    moveIsCheck=false) at position.cpp:383
383             assert(isOK());
(gdb) info locals
boardKey = 14013623207675726940
handKey = 3405590672570798104
us = White
to = SQ64
ptCaptured = King
ptTo = Pawn
(gdb) bt
#0  Position::isOK (this=0x3c02b6e0 )
    at position.cpp:1518
#1  0x00000000004089d4 in Position::doMove (
    this=0x3c02b6e0 , move=..., newSt=..., ci=...,
    moveIsCheck=false) at position.cpp:383
#2  0x000000000047fdb6 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)2> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd748, alpha=1424, beta=1425, depth=OnePly, cutNode=true)
    at search.cpp:1191
#3  0x0000000000480169 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)2> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd700, alpha=-1425, beta=-1424, depth=4, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1224
#4  0x0000000000480169 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)2> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd6b8, alpha=1424, beta=1425, depth=4, cutNode=true)
    at search.cpp:1224
#5  0x000000000047ffd1 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)2> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd670, alpha=-1425, beta=-1424, depth=8, cutNode=true)
    at search.cpp:1210
#6  0x0000000000480169 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)2> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd628, alpha=1424, beta=1425, depth=8, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1224
#7  0x0000000000480169 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)2> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd5e0, alpha=-1425, beta=-1424, depth=10, cutNode=true)
    at search.cpp:1224
#8  0x000000000047d6bf in Searcher::search<(NodeType)1> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd598, alpha=1424, beta=1456, depth=14, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1210
#9  0x000000000047d999 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)1> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd550, alpha=-1456, beta=-1424, depth=16, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1232
#10 0x000000000047d999 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)1> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd508, alpha=1424, beta=1456, depth=16, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1232
#11 0x000000000047d999 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)1> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd4c0, alpha=-1456, beta=-1424, depth=16, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1232
#12 0x000000000047d999 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)1> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd478, alpha=1424, beta=1456, depth=16, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1232
#13 0x000000000047d999 in Searcher::search<(NodeType)1> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd430, alpha=-1456, beta=-1424, depth=16, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1232
#14 0x000000000047bcee in Searcher::search<(NodeType)0> (pos=...,
    ss=0x3e2dd3e8, alpha=1424, beta=1456, depth=18, cutNode=false)
    at search.cpp:1232
#15 0x000000000043d14b in Searcher::idLoop (pos=...) at search.cpp:597
#16 0x000000000043eddd in Searcher::think () at search.cpp:1546
#17 0x0000000000444112 in MainThread::idleLoop (this=0x3c9467f0)
    at thread.cpp:59


王手放置 > 指し手をすすめる(この場合△64歩で玉を取る) > isOKでエラー

nice!(0)  コメント(0)  トラックバック(0) 

nice! 0

コメント 0



トラックバック 0
